Thursday, November 18, 2021

2021 : A Dozen Awesome Vinyl Excursions From Canada's Underground

Back in a previous life when I first start flogging records and pushing the best underground debut Canadian records by the likes of DOA, The Subhumans, Pointed Sticks, Teenage Head etc. I was so impressed and thrilled by how much stellar shit was coming out of the second largest country in the world, populated by so few humans.  Sure, Canada was and still is highly regarded for musical talent globally, however, the majority of that is mainstream oriented hogwash (to each their own)!  2021 (as with every year) has seen so many wicked LP's released by us Canucks!  The dozen listed here from yours truly represent some of the top recorded moments in 2021.  Of course this does pertain to my interest in a small chunk of our musical world.  I figure after 40 + years of being a music retailer, musician , promoter, writer and radio programmer, whether you agree, disagree or otherwise, that have some say in what's good, bad or indifferent, so there's my excuse for all of this!  There are no reviews here from me on any of them as I do not feel the need to pontificate.  Suffice to say, inclusion is based on the vessel and music contained therein and at the end of it all the proof is always in the listening, end of.   For me always with  records, it's about being moved, hearing musical ingenuity and with certain genres, catching historical aspects of influences within execution.  Everything comes from somewhere!  The folks involved in these projects / offerings (yes, some are friends😎), floor me with their depth and talent.  Check 'em all out as I feel you will hear some of the best on offer in 2021. Yes of course there’s more, and I do admit, a shitload unbeknownst to me...always is, year in, year out, but that just means exciting discoveries are just down the road... Cheers and OH CANA-DUH ! 💓👽 

Anunnaki :

Comet Control :

Badge Epoque :

Bob Bryden & Long Day Journey : 

Dark Bird :

Dr. Joy :

Monobrow :

Possum :

Polite Society :

Roy :

Rick White :

Wasted Cathedral :

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