Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Birdman Sound....We need your support

We are 20 this year and face our largest and potentially most damaging scenario that could possibly wipe us out! Beginning next week, Bank Street goes under massive road construction.....! Based on past history, small business gets crushed during these events due to decreased traffic in their areas. Driving right up to the front door will be impossible here for some time as the road will be nada! Walking to the door however from various sides streets which we are surrounded by, will be easily doable(in fact healthier!). PLEASE continue supporting one of the best loved indie music stores around. New arrivals will happen as usual but they always need to be paid for, so do not "be afraid" of construction and a using a little more ingenuity to get to Birdman! 20 years to get here has been a rough ride at times, it would be the lamest thing ever to crash during this anniversary year....I hope for all of your continued support through this major ensuing debacle!


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