Alan Tew
James Taylor Quartet
Connie Price & the Keystones
Loads of wicked new titles in the shop as always! Come check out some of what we carry this Saturday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m @ Dave's Drum Shop 270 Catherine Street in Ottawa. 👽
Back in the 90's I drove to and from the shop 6 days a week near 80 km round trip in some of the worst winter weather. Went off the road more than a few times and even rolled the car in 2009 with one of our 3 dogs in it and miraculously escaped injury. The Subaru had $ 16,000 worth of damage (thank fuk for a solid insurance co.)! After personally relocating household in 2010 and still maintaining a near 80 km round trip to the Bird, I decided I was done risking life and limb for the off chance that I'd sell records during any sort of snowstorm. That gave me some peace of mind. When you run a small business you really have to abandon the notion you may suffer of self importance. I certainly have these last few years...I was just outside and it's total shit out there and really coming down!
The Pop Up is CANCELLED today as much as I hate to do it! Sales with or without the hindrance of inclement weather have been on the slide as of late anyways... better safe than sorry. Be careful out there in the region if on the roads...13 can be an unlucky number...
4:00 a.m. at headquarters now and snow at times potentially heavy for another 8 hours...